Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dungeon #6 or 'How I learned to hate the Wizzrobes'

As you can see, that's only two more pieces of the stupid Triforce of stupid Wisdom than I had previously and in case you're wondering whom to blame for this slowdown, may I introduce you to the Wizzrobes:

Doesn't look like much, does he?

Well meet his jerk of a big brother...

The orange Wizzrobes are great, we're pals basically.  They'll port around in a semi-random fashion and then pewpew some magic junk at me.  Whatever.  Mr 'roided up blue version though takes a gazillion more hits and doesn't disappear but instead stalks me around the room, waiting to pounce and take off a full heart every hit.  Even this wouldn't be too bad until we come to....

Seriously, this room accounted for so much frustration.  See, I had this lovely magical shield that would at least stop the magic pewpewing of the Wizzrobes, but then nooooo, those weird pile of mashed sweet potato things jumped on me and STOLE MY DAMN SHIELD, leaving me again wielding what basically amounts to a hunk of driftwood taped to my arm.  Needless to say, driftwood won't be stoping anyone's magic anything.

Anyway.  To put it into short sentences:  Entered that room many times.  Beat head against wall.  Would have thrown controller if my cool new SNES replica USB controller hadn't just shown up that same day.  Finally killed boss and dungeon 7's boss.  One last piece and then I rumble with Ganon!

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