Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kicking it off

We'll keep this brief, since no one really likes reading blog introductions.  I've been feeling recently like I've missed out on a lot of 'important' video games.  Sure, I've played a goodly amount, but in series that are 'iconic' there are definite holes in my gaming record, plus if you ask my friends, one of the things I'm known for is starting a multitude of games but never finishing them.

I'm going to fix that.

My new goal is to take a series at a time and play through every game in the order they were released.  I'm not going to be trying to get 100% completions or anything too too insane, just complete the main story, probably knock out some side quests on the way when applicable, and in general hopefully have a good time.

After a very in depth poll on Facebook (five six SEVEN! whole people answered) it was decided I'd start with one of the most popular series out there, the Legend of Zelda.

Over the course of growing up I've played a lot of the games in this series, but I've definitely missed a couple of them and haven't completed a few others.  Tonight I'll be loading up my NES emulator (good luck finding a working NES to play things on) and playing the first game in the series, the self titled The Legend of Zelda.

Side note:  I really should have started with Mario.  Half the games and way less daunting time per game in the later parts of the series.

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