Monday, October 8, 2012

Playing The Legend of Zelda hungover is definitely interesting...

More to come as I shake the memories out of my head :P

Well Saturday night was pretty much a fantastical shindig, great to see some of the old guildies from Ronin/DF/Cataclysm, but oh man did it lead to a rather hung over Sunday.  I think the real lesson I've taken away is frustrating things in old games get GREATLY amplified when all that really sounds good is a liter of water and a nap.  This could also be brought on by dungeon #6 being a big old pain in my butt, grumble grumble grumble.

I'll probably expand upon it more after completing this game but I'm definitely feeling the burn of playing a 25 year old game; it's age really shows with some of the things I take for granted that are missing.  Saving and not having to start back at the stupid entrance to the world, with only three freaking hearts full, no matter how many total I have...  hmmm actually that really is my biggest issue right now.  Navigating around can be a bit of a hassle but apparently the game itself shipped with a map of the entire overworld, so once I found that out I didn't feel bad pulling it up on my iPad and being able to more easily see where the heck I was going.

Only three more pieces of the Triforce to go and then I assume I'll have to slap Ganon around a bit before we get to the smooching times with Zelda!

The real moral of the story though:  Drink more water and don't use the breathalyzer your police friend brought over as a means of competition.  :P

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